Pump That Gas

Have you ever been heading home dog-tired at the end of a draining day and saw the little gas light in your car was on? In fact, it had been on but you chose to ignore it a little while longer. You knew you were on E but the last thing you felt like doing was getting out of your car to pump that gas.

But you gotta get from A to B to C to D the next day so you have no choice but to begrudgingly interrupt your route, pull over, and fuel up in preparation for the next day.

And so it is with the fuel of our lives – the Word of God. Being on E when it comes to spiritual fuel can be a common thing in our lives. You’re too tired, you’re too busy, or you’re just plain apathetic at times depending on the circumstances in your life. But you have to keep moving, so how do you do it? You gotta pump that gas.

You can be mentally and physically exhausted, sad or upset, disappointed and discouraged, or maybe having the time of your life. Either way, in order to get from A to B and have the strength to remain victorious, you must fuel up with the Word. You may not feel like it, but you can’t afford not to. You will remain stuck without the ability to go anywhere if you don’t. You have to stay fueled up or you will falter.

Do it tired, do it upset, do it discouraged, do it on your best day. Try daily to keep your spiritual tank full or as close to it as you possibly can, no matter the season or the situation in your life. It is the only way you can maintain your progress and keep moving forward. You gotta pump that gas!